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Spill and leakage detection

The prevention of hazards caused by spills and leaks can be challenging, but with the help of AI technology, these incidents can be quickly detected and addressed to prevent injury and damage.

AI-enabled systems have the ability to detect spills and leaks in real-time by analyzing visual data from cameras and sensors. This allows for prompt intervention and mitigation measures to be taken to prevent injuries and damage to the environment. These systems can also provide continuous monitoring and alert workers of any potential hazards, ensuring that they are aware of the risks and can take appropriate safety measures. With the use of AI, companies can significantly improve their ability to detect and respond to spills and leaks, thus reducing the risk of workplace accidents and environmental damage.

Don't wait to enhance the safety of your workplace today!

Use cases

Manufacturing plants

SecuritEye can be used to detect spills and leaks in manufacturing plants, which often involve the use of hazardous chemicals and materials. Early detection can help prevent accidents and injuries.

Oil and gas facilities

Oil and gas facilities are prone to spills and leaks, which can have catastrophic environmental and safety consequences. SecuritEye can be used to detect and monitor spills and leaks in real-time, allowing for rapid response and cleanup.


Warehouses often store large quantities of hazardous materials, such as chemicals and batteries, which can leak and pose a safety risk to workers. SecuritEye can detect spills and leaks and alert workers to take appropriate safety measures.


Laboratories often handle dangerous chemicals and biological agents, making spill and leakage detection crucial for worker safety. AI cameras can monitor for spills and leaks in real-time, allowing for prompt containment and cleanup.