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Open-closed doors detection

The position of doors in a building or facility is critical for ensuring both quality and safety in the workplace. Doors may need to be open or closed based on certain operational or emergency situations. Regulatory requirements and guidelines are put in place to ensure that the position of doors is in compliance with these operational and emergency needs, as well as for the safety of workers and visitors.

SecuritEye can monitor and track the position of doors in real-time, simplifying compliance with regulatory requirements and ensuring a safe working environment for employees. By identifying potential safety hazards and alerting facility managers or operators, timely action can be taken to maintain compliance and resolve issues.

Don't wait to enhance the safety of your workplace today!

Use cases

Energy conservation

Open doors can lead to unnecessary energy consumption and increased costs. By using SecuritEye to detect open doors, building managers can ensure that doors are closed when not in use, which can help to reduce energy consumption and save money on energy bills.


Open doors can also pose safety risks, particularly in industrial or hazardous environments. By using SecuritEye to detect open doors, safety officers can be alerted to potential safety risks and take appropriate action to ensure that workers are not put in harm's way.


Open doors can also be a security risk, allowing unauthorized access to sensitive areas. By using SecuritEye to detect open doors, security personnel can be alerted to potential breaches and take appropriate action to prevent unauthorized access.


In some industries, such as healthcare and food production, it is important to maintain specific environmental conditions in order to comply with regulations. By using SecuritEye to detect open doors, compliance officers can ensure that environmental conditions are maintained and regulatory requirements are met.


Open doors can also lead to increased wear and tear on HVAC systems and other equipment, leading to increased maintenance costs. By using SecuritEye to detect open doors, maintenance personnel can be alerted to potential issues and take appropriate action to prevent damage to equipment.